Village, of course, is the direct sequel to 2017’s Resident Evil 7 and follows that game’s protagonist, Ethan Winters, as he travels to a mysterious village filled with mutant creatures - and some exceptionally tall ladies - in order to find his kidnapped daughter. There’s a demo version out today on Switch’s eShop, and Capcom says it’ll also be releasing Village’s previously announced Winters’ Expansion - promising the likes of new story content and a new third-person mode - for Switch on 2nd December. If you haven’t yet experienced Ethan Winters’ debut game, Capcom has you covered, with Resident Evil 7 also set for Switch release some time this year via cloud streaming. And that’s not quite everything; the publisher has also announced cloud versions of its Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes are also due to arrive on Switch before 2022 is through.