It’s a timely rumour, not least because it coincides with LucasFilm moving away from its exclusivity deal with EA, including plans to make a new open-world game based on the fan-favourite franchise with Ubisoft. “They’ve now finished their contract with Sony and will be signing with Disney,” French YouTuber Gautoz said in a video this week (thanks, VGC), hypothesising that Quantic’s recent push back on hostile work environment allegations was to preserve this newly forged partnership. “It looks like they will be working on a Star Wars game.” Whilst admittedly, rumours like that alone carry little weight, DualShockers’ Tom Henderson separately posted an image to Twitter that featured a character from Quantic’s Detroit Become Human with two lightsabers emblazoned across the top of it. Curiouser and curiouser, eh? Without anything substantive from Disney or Quantic all we can do is chalk this up as a rumour for now, but - as always - as soon as we know more, you’ll be the first to know. Earlier this year, Quantic Dream posted a statement stating an investigation has concluded there was no “’toxic atmosphere’ or any kind of discrimination in the studio” in order to “set the record straight”. The statement comes after the studio was accused of a hostile work environment and sued by a former employee back in 2018. The victim in the case quit their post due to offensive photoshopped images of employees being circulated at the studio, images of which came to light after a damning joint investigation into toxic workplace culture was undertaken by a team of journalists at French publications Le Monde, Canard PC, and Mediapart.