Development of Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl was paused back in March as the company is based in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, which has been repeatedly targeted during the ongoing Russian invasion. It’s since relocated to Prague whilst the war persists. As spotted by polish site, (via VGC) however, the studio is now back at work, having confirming to fans on its Discord community that “it continues” development. GSC Game World had its website blocked by the Russian government last month. The Stalker 2 website, unsurprisingly, includes a message of support for Ukraine. The developer has also called for an end to Russia’s brutal invasion of its home country, as it struggles to continue development while the country has been under attack. Earlier this month, Stalker fans noted that the game’s name had been subtly changed to reflect the local Ukrainian spelling of Chornobyl, rather than its original Romanised Russian spelling of Chernobyl. The change followed a video update from GSC on its moves to protect employees and families in Kyiv as the Russian invasion began. Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl was previously set to launch at the end of 2022 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.