The leak contains audio files including dialogue, as well as assets and artwork, and appears to have come from someone able to bypass Epic Games’ own in-game encryption for these files. Eurogamer will not be spoiling any details of the event itself ahead of time. Fortnite leaks are a daily occurence, though the suggestion that someone with access to Epic Games’ encrypted files for the event will be worrying for the developer. Typically, leaks of in-game materials occur once Epic itself decrypts files within the game. For live events, this usually occurs hours before the event rather than days. One upside here for Epic is that - so far - the anonymous leaker has not shared the encryption key to the event’s files more widely, and what has leaked out so far appears fairly limited. Suffice to say, be careful where you click online this week if you wish to remain unspoiled. Earlier this month, Fortnite fans were left surprised by Epic’s decision to call time on its third Fortnite map after only 12 months - despite it being popular with fans. The upcoming live event is set to cap off the game’s most recent four seasons in typically catastrophic form, and official artwork for Fracture shows the game’s beloved battle royale island getting ripped apart by chrome tornadoes. What will happen next? Here’s hoping we find out on Saturday as Epic Games intended, rather than in any further leaks before.