As you spend Ability Points, you’ll be able to unlock Milestone Rewards, such as additional Personal Mods Slots, and new features for certain Abilities. On this page you’ll find our in-progress lists of the various skill trees and Milestone Rewards unlocks in Control. On this page: From Unknown Caller onwards, you’ll receive 4 Ability Points for every storyline mission you complete. In the terms of the side missions, the amount of Ability Points you’ll receive differs depending on the mission. Here are the various side missions, including the ones from The Foundation and AWE DLCs, and the Ability Points you receive from completing them:

A Captive Audience - 3 Ability Points A Good Defence - 4 Ability Points A Matter of Time - 2 Ability Points A Merry Chase - 2 Ability Points Found Footage (The Foundation DLC) - 3 Ability Points Fridge Duty - 3 Ability Points Jesse Faden Starring in “Swift Platform” (The Foundation DLC) - 3 Ability Points Langston’s Runaways - 3 Ability Points Mold Removal - 2 Ability Points Mr. Tommasi - 3 Ability Points Old Friends - 4 Ability Points Old Growth - 4 Ability Points Pope’s Collection (The Foundation DLC) - 3 Ability Points Self-Reflection - 4 Ability Points The Enemy Within - 3 Ability Points What a Mess: Burn the Trash - 2 Ability Points What a Mess: Clear the Clog - 3 Ability Points What A Mess: Clear the Mold - 3 Ability Points What A Mess: Even More Mold - 4 Ability Points What A Mess: Talk to the Plants - 4 Ability Points What A Mess: Take A Break - 4 Ability Points

Select the Abilities option from the Control Point list and you’ll be taken to the skill tree menu. Here you can spend your Ability Points to upgrade your abilities. At first, you’ll only be able to upgrade your Health, Energy, Melee and Launch attack. As you journey through the Bureau of Control, you’ll be able to unlock new Abilities for you to unlock. Completing the A Good Defence mission will allow you upgrade the Shield ability, while completing A Captive Audience unlocks the Seize ability. Health - increases health

Health 1 - +10% - 1 Ability Point Health 2 - +20% - 3 Ability Points Health 3 - +20% - 3 Ability Points Health 4 - +20% - 3 Ability Points Health 5 - +30% - 4 Ability Points Health 6 - +15% - 2 Ability Points

Energy - increases energy

Energy 1 - +10% - 1 Ability Point Energy 2 - +20% - 3 Ability Points Energy 3 - +20% - 3 Ability Points Energy 4 - +20% - 3 Ability Points Energy 5 - +30% - 4 Ability Points Energy 6 - +15% - 2 Ability Points

Melee - increases melee damage

Melee 1 - +10% - 1 Ability Point Melee 2 - +30% - 3 Ability Points Melee 3 - +30% - 3 Ability Points Melee 4 - +30% - 3 Ability Points Melee 5 - +50% - 4 Ability Points Melee 6 - +50% - 4 Ability Points

Launch - increase Launch damage

Launch 1 - +25% - 1 Ability Point Launch 2 - +50% - 2 Ability Points Launch 3 - +50% - 2 Ability Points Launch 4 - +50% - 2 Ability Points Launch 5 - +75% - 3 Ability Points Launch 6 - +75% - 3 Ability Points

Reaching Launch 2 will allow you to unlock Launch Explosives for 2 Ability Points. This will allow you to launch grenades and rockets back to the enemy. After unlocking Launch Explosives, you’ll be able to unlock Launch Enemies for 2 Ability Points. This does exactly what it says it does and will allow you to launch enemies at one and another. After unlocking Launch Enemies, you’ll be able to unlock Launch Enemies 2 for 2 Ability Points. This will allow you to launch large enemies when their health is low. Next you’ll be able to unlock Launch Strength for 1 Ability Point, which allows you to launch large objects. The final addition for Launch is Multi=Launch. For 8 Ability Points, unlocking this Ability will allow you to pick up a maximum of three objects using Launch and then send them towards your enemy. Shield - increases Shield strength

Shield 1 - +10% - 1 Ability Point Shield 2 - +20% - 2 Ability Points Shield 3 - +20% - 2 Ability Points Shield 4 - +20% - 2 Ability Points Shield 5 - +30% - 3 Ability Points Shield 6 - +30% - 3 Ability Points

Reaching Shield 2 will allow you to unlock Shield Barrage for 3 Ability Points. This throws your shield at the enemy when you release it. You then increase the amount of damage Shield Barrage does by 100% for 2 Ability Points. Doing so will allow you to learn the ability, Shield Rush, which allows you to use Evade, while wielding your Shield, to knock enemies done. It will cost you 4 Ability Points to learn this ability and then 2 Ability Points to increase the damage dealt by Shield Rush by 100%. Finally, after boosting Shield Rush, you’ll be given the chance to learn Shield Energy Recovery for 4 Ability Points. This skill allows you to recover energy while using the shield. Seize - increases Seize duration

Seize 1 - +5% - 1 Ability Point Seize 2 - +10% - 2 Ability Points Seize 3 - +10% - 2 Ability Points Seize 4 - +10% - 2 Ability Points Seize 5 - +15% - 3 Ability Points Seize 6 - +15% - 3 Ability Points

Reaching Seize 3 will allow you to unlock the ability to seize an additional enemy. This costs 3 Ability Points. Reaching Seize 5 will allow you to unlock the ability to size large enemies when their health is low. This costs 2 Ability Points. Levitate - increases Levitation Duration

Levitate 1 - +10% - 1 Ability Point Levitate 2 - +10% - 2 Ability Points Levitate 3 - +10% - 2 Ability Points Levitate 4 - +10% - 2 Ability Points Levitate 5 - +10% - 3 Ability Points Levitate 6 - +10% - 3 Ability Points

Reaching Levitate 2 will allow you to unlock Ground Slam for 3 Ability Points, which you can then invest Ability Points in. This allows you to slam into the ground while levitating and damage nearby enemies. Ground Slam - increases Ground Slam damage

Ground Slam 1 - +20% - 1 Ability Point Ground Slam 2 - +30% - 2 Ability Points Ground Slam 3 - +40% - 2 Ability Points Ground Slam 4 - +50% - 3 Ability Points

It’s time to journey into the mysterious Federal Bureau of Control. Our Control walkthrough can help you through the storyline missions, including Welcome to the Oldest House, Unknown Caller, Directorial Override, Old Boy’s Club, Threshold, My Brother’s Keeper, The Face of the Enemy, Finnish Tango, Polaris and Take Control. You can also learn new supernatural powers by completing A Merry Chase, A Good Defence and A Captive Audience. We also have guides on upgrading the Service Weapon, your Abilities, how to use Weapon and Personal Mods, how to unlock every outfit and the solution to the Roulette Wheel puzzle. Here are the Milestone Rewards we have currently unlocked:

3 Ability Points - Additional Weapon Form Slot 15 - Additional Personal Mod Slot 30 - Additional Personal Mod Slot

For more information about Control, check out our Control walkthrough.

Control   Upgrading Abilities explained  including Milestone Rewards and Ability Points - 26Control   Upgrading Abilities explained  including Milestone Rewards and Ability Points - 86Control   Upgrading Abilities explained  including Milestone Rewards and Ability Points - 86Control   Upgrading Abilities explained  including Milestone Rewards and Ability Points - 50