IGN’s report into alleged issues with Bungie’s narrative team detailed “overt sexism, boys’ club culture, crunch, and HR protection of abusers as well as more complex stories of microaggressions, systemic inequalities, and difficulties in being heard”. Though the studio “recognised [its] shortcomings” and publicly committed to making improvements back in September, the statement from Pete Parsons apologised to all staff who have “experienced anything less than a safe, fair, and professional working environment at Bungie”. He also acknowledged that the progress the team has made to date “is not enough”, and “does not sweep away the bad experiences people have had at our studio”.
“I want to apologise to anyone who has ever experienced anything less than a safe, fair, and professional working environment at Bungie,” the statement said. “I am not here to refute or to challenge the experiences we’re seeing shared today by people who have graced our studio with their time and talent. Our actions or, in some cases, inactions, caused these people pain. “I apologise personally and on behalf of everyone at Bungie who I know feels a deep sense of empathy and sadness reading through these accounts.” Parsons goes on to list a number of changes Bungie has made over the “last several years”, which include removing “bad actors”, better planning and more reasonable release dates, and a renewed commitment to stronger inclusion, diversity, and equity. “As CEO, it is my job to factor both the past and the future and be accountable for all of it, here and now,” Parsons added. “Speaking with the team at Bungie, reading the stories, and seeing both known and newly surfaced accounts, it is clear we still have work ahead of us. “I am committed to it. We are not yet the studio we have the potential to become, but we are on our way. And we will not rest or slow these efforts because we recognise that the journey of inclusivity, diversity, and equity is, in itself, the destination we all strive towards. This is critical to achieving our vision and fulfilling the potential of the welcoming, equitable home of creative and technical excellence Bungie should be.”